Room213-8,B1,Shandong International Oversea Industry Part,No.1919 Wangyue Road, Shizhong Distric, Jinan City.Shandong province, China +86 155 0866 1105 [email protected]
As part of our truck refurbishing services, we place a high emphasis on safety as we believe it is the topmost concern in the industry. The relevance of this is that the security of a fleet isn’t just enhanced, but rather fully guaranteed owing to the refurbished vehicles.
The orientation of any refurbishment move on a vehicle is a thorough safety check first. Components that require attention and are pivotal to safe driving include brakes, tires, lights, and steering system alongside hazards that need attention beforehand to avoid further escalation.
On the other hand, a consideration of each vehicle’s mechanical wellbeing is just the beginning to enhancing its safety. Improving a truck’s safety must include improved collision ideas, new braking system and generally ensuring that any form of safety within a truck is intact and up to the required standards. The bottom line is ensuring that our clients’ trucks’ safety levels do not drop below the required levels.
In addition, it is well known that a truck that poses no threat to the user is a truck that can be relied on. Improving safety features and correcting defects during the rebuilding of the truck assists in improving the performance of the vehicle. This dependability is not just helpful for your drivers but not tarnishing your business’s image in the safety of the services offered.
At HR TRUCKS, we understand that a fleet has to be secure, dependable, and performed efficiently. When working on trucks we aim at photo refinish to promote safety for your drivers, your company, and for the society at large. You can’s trust us and let’s keep the trucks in a working shape for safety and performance’s sake.